"Independent Sales Affiliates are supported by every part of our network. We believe that you can accomplish any goal you set your mind on".

Is there a limit to the amount of subscribers I can sign up per month?

There are no limits to the amount of subscribers you can sign up to ACCESSCOUNTS! We urge you to keep making quality presentations to achieve your monthly goals. Remember, if you are transparent, work hard and provide good information to the customers your bringing on board, you can sign up more customers and retain extra supplemental income.

Once a customer signs up through my website, how do I service the customer?

ACCESSCOUNTS alone services each and every customer referred by Independent Sales Affiliates. The way we see it, is that without you we don't know if that customer would have found their way to us; which is why we compensate you for your hard work on a monthly basis for every month the subscriber stays active.

Can I sign up other affiliates to my down-line?

ACCESSCOUNTS’ back-end systems do not allow for affiliates to sign up other affiliates; only customers. An affiliates’ main focus should be to provide initial quality presentations and training to the customers added to their down-line and further confirm the customers understanding of the service. Affiliates can reach out to ACCESSCOUNTS support through their account portal for assistance at any time.

How much money can I make as a affiliate?

The sky is the limit regarding compensation at ACCESSCOUNTS. However, please keep in mind, big monthly paydays come hand in hand with a lot of continuous hard work and active customer subscriptions. There is no guarantee that an affiliate will gain consistent commission as the customer decides each month whether or not to keep their subscription active. Please reach out if anything needs to be clarified.

What time frame can I expect to put in to succeed as a affiliate?

Your goals are what are going to describe what success will look like for the results you want to achieve. Some use the program to make a little extra cash each month and others work very hard and are fortunate enough to turn the opportunity into a full time focus. You can succeed fast and early if you work hard and sell the right way or you may not; this is why it is so important to reach out for help in order to maximize your chances of success in our program.

What help or sales materials are offered to assist with sales and customer service?

Affiliate support is big at ACCESSCOUNTS! Aside from the corporate site providing vital service information to share with current and potential customers, we provide corporate sales and support materials in your back-end account to enhance your chances of success. We provide service guides for new customer registrations, how to overcome objections properly, and how to preserve your integrity and relationships while working in this business. Training seminars are scheduled in advance and virtual assistance can also be scheduled to clear up any gray areas. Always contact [email protected] which is available for any suggestions, questions, or inquires you may have.